Monday, September 14, 2009

My Current Stance On Healthcare Reform -or- Change The Leader's Name To The Magician

So, I was watching the CNN this weekend and just happen to pass by a healthcare debate that would have been called unfair were it on FOX, but somehow was evenly balanced on that network.

Just kidding, we all know they’re equally biased.

I watched this healthcare policy debate open-mindedly for as long as I could manage, but the point at which the host and the liberal were ganging up on the conservative with the notion that no matter how we look at the healthcare reform bill, we cannot distance it from the issue of race, I just hand to turn it off to ensure the sanity of my television.

The notion was presented that the fine folks who were voicing their opinions at many-a-Tea-Party across this nation on Saturday, September 12, 2009, were simply rabble-rousers motivated by partisanship and by race. Race? Really?

First off, when the conservative countered that the Tea Partygoers were motivated by their desire to stop runaway spending, the liberal asked him why no conservatives opposed Bush’s runaway spending. I promptly raised my hand and said, “I did.” When the conservative told him that, in fact, there were many conservatives who had spoken out against Bush’s spending, he was basically told that there were absolutely no conservatives that had done so.

I just love when the TV tells me what I have and have not done, or how I feel about the issues.

We really need to stop blanketing entire groups of people into single statements in this country, don’t you think? When the conservative tried to explain that the Tea Partygoers, the so-called non-existent opposition that is, in fact (at least most of them, anyway), motivated by their desire to cut government spending of their dollars, were not motivated by race, he was lambasted by both the host and the liberal.

Now, while I know there are most definitely some Americans that are opposed to The Leader because of his race, I know for a fact that I am not. I would be just as opposed to The Leader's economic policy, his stance on most issues, and his healthcare reform package, were he any race.

I know for a fact that a large number of the people that share my views are not motivated by racial bias, yet liberal rag after liberal rag and pundit after pundit cannot stop saying that race and partisanship are what is behind our opposition to this “magic” healthcare reform, but, my liberal friends, that is just not true.

I truly believe that most of the opposition is due to the fact that these people are tired of sending more and more of their money to Washington and their state capitals, and seeing more and more of it wasted.

I call the bill “magic” because “magic” is the only way it is going to work. You are going to pump 45 million more people into a healthcare system without adding a whole mess of new hospitals and doctors, create a government-run bureaucracy to run and monitor it all, increase the quality of care, and at the same time, somehow reduce the cost of it all? That is not policy, my friends, that is in fact, magic.

America will need to see The Leader somehow transform into The Magician to make that happen.

The Leader says he has somehow magically looked at all of the government programs out there, and magically identified $900 billion that can be eliminated at the stroke of a pen, with that money then magically going into the coffers, “earmarked” (laugh at the irony of my use of that word here) for healthcare costs.

If The Leader can somehow magically eliminate that waste, then why do we have to pass healthcare reform in order to do so? Let’s eliminate it right this second and then decide what to do with our 900-bil. Do we need to reform healthcare? I think that we do. Is this the way to do it? I don’t believe that it is.

Let’s eliminate waste today, let’s improve the government plans that are already in place, let’s get people back to work, and let’s remember the values of hard work that this country was founded on.

If this administration is so interested in sticking government’s head into business’s house, why not work to decrease the costs that are incurred by healthcare through ridiculous lawsuits and open up the free markets by ensuring that we can buy health insurance from a larger number of sources by eliminating bans on interstate plans, and allow pools of both people and businesses to purchase plans as groups from the free market?

Are we bitching because we’re racist? No. Are we bitching because we’re Republicans and you’re Democrats? No. We’re bitching because we would like to keep more of our own money, not have you waste what you are taking, don’t want you to force us all into a system that is destined to fail (regardless of what bill passes, it will effect our healthcare system), and frankly, do not think that it is the responsibility of one person to have to take care of another person who could honestly take care of themselves.

I watched a speech in which The Leader said that the time for bickering is over. No, Mr. President, that bickering is what we who believe in democracy call debate. The time for debate in America should never be over.

There will be a $10 trillion deficit by the time The Leader leaves office. Every American should be as up in arms about that number as they were about a Congressman shouting during a policy sales pitch on the House floor. 

It is unfair and unjust for liberals to call anyone who doesn’t agree with The Leader a rabble-rouser, a troublemaker, a gangster. You can wag the dog all you want with your comments about race and partisanship, but make no mistake...what we’re pissed off about is our money, or should I say, what should be our money.

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