Monday, January 4, 2010

As We Begin 2010...

2010!...Can you believe it's here? As we officially begin this new work year, I am optimistically looking forward. Despite the fact that I will always remember 2009 to be a “year of years”, I honestly feel that I ended the year in a much better position than I started the year.

October of 2008 was really when the world changed for us, but luckily, much more in fear and anxiety than in actual tragedy and fruition. It was about nine months later, in July of 2009 that I honestly began to feel like things were starting to turn…that we had seen the very worst of it pass.

Then, about a year after it all began, October of 2009, was when it felt the recovery was starting to finally gain ground. I am aware that there are still tough times ahead for all of us in some areas, and harder times ahead for some than others, but as 2009 finally drew to a close, I came to a very stark realization that, in all honesty, I was better off on January 1, 2010 than I was on January 1, 2009.

While the media continues to paint 2009 as the era of doom, I think there are still a good 85% of us who are starting 2010 in a better spot than we did at the beginning of 2009. It is as if we have survived one of the major battles of our lives in a much better spot than we anticipated to be.

I am, however, also well aware that now is not the time to sit back and relax, but in fact, it is time to dig in our heels even deeper and get ready to work harder than ever before. Things could take a turn for the worst just as easily this year as they could have last year, but with a staunch routine of completing work, seeking out new work and opportunities, and ensuring that we are performing at the top of our game, I think we will find 2010 to be a much better year, and 2011 an even better year still.

We need to look forward, we need to work hard, and we need to keep up the fight, because while things are looking up, there is still a tough fight ahead of us. We have to perform our jobs better than ever before, we have to be mindful of brining true value to our business relationships, and we have to continue to be diligent to keep our eyes out for thieves. Both Taxramento and Taxington, D.C. are going to continue to fight for our money and The Magician is going to do all he can to spend the money that we haven’t even earned yet, but you can also feel the tide of favor swaying back towards conservative spending and values as the novelty of a new President and "new" party wears off and people see The Magician and his party for The Politician that he truly is, and the thieves that they really are. The tax pool has grown weary, and while we are willing to work, fear is subsiding and we are going to start questioning what was done to us during those turbulent times by the people that were in office.

So, let’s get back to work, let’s continue to be successful, and above all, let’s do all that we can to ensure that the largest amount of the fruits of our labors remain just that…ours.

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