Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Did They Just Tell Me "No"?

Why do you hire an expert?

Well, it is because of the expertise that they have that you do not.

So, what to do when you don’t agree with what the expert you have hired has recommended?

Take a minute to pause and think back to what Edmund Burke once said. “Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment, and he betrays instead of serving you if he sacrifices it to your opinion.”

That’s a mouthful, but read it a couple of times. What it is saying is that the expert you hired has a duty to tell you “no” when that expert knows that his opinion is correct and yours is not.

The expert that you have hired is not trying to push you around, not trying to get you going, not trying to do anything but to serve you in the capacity in which you hired him to serve you.

The expert is speaking from experiences that you do not have...the lack of experience which is the very reason that you hired that expert.

So don’t get upset when you are told “no” by your expert, but instead, take the time to understand where the “no” is coming from...the experience and expertise of the expert.

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