Sunday, October 24, 2004

Let's Blame Correctly...

We are none of us perfect, but I believe one of the greatest strengths of a man is to know himself.

To know himself, what he is capable of and what his weaknesses are and to ensure that on every occasion throughout the course of his life, he does whatever is necessary to ensure that his weaknesses do not result in harm to others.

This is why, ultimately, I do not like Willy Jeff Clinton.

I think he should have known that he was unfit to lead this nation because of his lack of character in a very specific area, but the glowing prize was too valuable to him to have the foresight to see the damage he would do to this nation and the disappointment it would bring to people like myself who at one point in our lives, supported him.

We are today, a nation divided.

Reagan brought this country together like never before. George 41 didn’t split it and despite the fact that our libby friends will blame it on George 43, I believe the rift that sent so many people either to the far left or the far right was created during term #2 of ol’ #42, Willy “Moist Cigar” Clinton.

The greatest insight into the mentality of the man and his character can most clearly bee seen in his final explanation that he did all of this simply because he knew he could get away with it because he was the President.

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