Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Welcome To Obama's New America, Comrades...

Good Morning, Comdrades...

Welcome to Obama's new America! Where the only place you can get student loans is from the federal government, and where 30 million people now rely on the rest of us for healthcare and the federal government to deem what is healthy and best for their lives.

Sit back and relax, citizens, your federal government will take care of everything for you. An America, where you are entitled and deserve it all while paying absolutely zero taxes. An America where you can sit on your ass, do nothing, and just let the food program debit cards, checks, and free health services roll in while those idiot suckers get up every morning and go to work.

What a bunch of dumbasses! Look at 'em going to work with their hopes and dreams! More like hope and change, suckers!

An America where you can work harder and harder and keep less and less of what you earn, because let's face it, who the hell do you think you are, evil capitalist scum, that you are entitled to keep all of the money that you have earned. An America where we are fostering new generations that will be the weakest in our history, not getting off mommy and daddy's health insurance until they are 26, because let's face it, who in the world could stand on their own two feet when they were 26? That's just much too young to have to face the world.

An America where charity is no longer a choice, but forced. An America where the government that you need to survive has a hand in what you earn, how you earn it, how you invest it (for every $1 you make in the market, 3.8 cents above your regular capital gains rate goes to cover healthcare costs), and now, even more importantly, the type of healthcare that you may have, the type of health care that you may not have, and already has a hand in what you can stuff in your face.

An America where the Speaker of the House touts how wonderful her new Obamacare will be because it is going to follow in line with the fantastic successes of Social Security and Medicare which are losing money hand over fist despite the fact that they get 15.3% of every dollar that every American earns within their lifetime. If these idiots can steal 15.3 cents of every dollar that every American earns and still cannot somehow manage to turn a profit with it, how in the world are they going to be able to provide better healthcare than the evil capitalist pigs?

Let me give you a scenario. You need a procedure. The evil capitalist pigs do not feel that it will be profitable for you to have it, so you can either pay for it yourself (crap, there's a concept), or not have it done. Now, you no longer need to worry about that because in Obama's America, the taxpayer is going to foot the bill. Sounds like a great solution, right? Well, what happens when we are footing the bill for every procedure that needs to be done for 30 million people? Where is that money going to come from? Tax increases, of course, but you working idiots are more than willing to give up even more, right? Naturally, you'll pay into the system as you are young and healthy, taking care of those who are older and unhealthy, but then, it will be your turn as you get older and unhealthier, and the younger and healthier pay for your care, right? Can I site precedence? Right now, those of us who are not drawing on Social Security are paying in full $1 bills - and lots of them, at that. According to the best non-partisan estimates, when we reach our ever-increasing Social Security retirement age, when we ask for our full $1 bill, they are going to give us three quarters and three pennies, 78 cents. So, I am going to pay in my full $1 bills for healthcare as I am younger and healthier, and then when I go in for my kidney transplant in 30 years, Obamacare is going to offer me 78% of a kidney? Shit, I hope that works. Crazy, isn't it? If they haven't been able to get Social Security right, how are they going to get healthcare right?

This is a prime example of our comrades being sold a bottle of snake oil. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Makes you feel like we are doing something wonderful and worldly. The problem is, when you look at the reality of it, we have just given up another good slice of our freedoms, another good slice of our paychecks, and another good slice of what used to be a capitalist-based American society.

I was raised on a very simple principle...self-reliance through hard work. If you needed or wanted something, you got out there and you worked for it. If you didn't put enough money away during your working years to sustain you when you got older, you kept working. You took care of your own life and your money is square every time. I was raised to believe that these were the principles of this great country. I was raised to believe that you took care of those who could not take care of themselves, but you did not take care of those that were just lazy and made the choice to make nothing of their lives. Sadly, this is the America of the past, not the America of the future.

I'll leave you with one more thought on how absolutely ridiculous all of this is and why, simply, Obamacare was a campaign promise designed to get votes. We all know full well that cigarettes cause cancer and kill a whole lot of Americans each year. While we have driven the price of cigarettes through the roof with taxes, there are still millions of Americans who smoke. There are millions of Americans who smoke, and will never pay a penny in federal income taxes because of their income levels. Those same smokers that pay no income taxes will one day be drawing large amounts of taxpayer-funded healthcare to treat them for what was a 100% completely and totally preventable illness that they got from smoking. Smoking is still legal, and now, not having healthcare to treat your smoking-related diseases is illegal. That, comrades, is the America that we live in today.

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