Friday, March 26, 2010

Who Is Going To Get The Blame For High Gas Prices Now?

Spring is officially here, which means that your precious summer is not too far behind.

With each year as we move into spring, then into summer, we experience that inevitable increase in the cost of gas as you get out there and vacation and drive more because it's sunny and your kids are out of school, etc. etc. etc.

I, too, find this a most unwelcome season for gas prices, but what I am really curious about this year is who is going to get the blame for the gas price increases this time around.

Remember when Bushie was in office and the price of gas went up and then, all of the sudden, it was that evil Bush family with their oil business and ties to King Saud that were the reason behind the spike in gas prices?

Well, my Bushie-hatin' friends, who do we blame for the increase in gas prices this year? Republicans that didn't support the socialization of 1/6 of America's economy? Tiger Woods? Me?

Or is it going to be that I need to thank The Magician for only increasing gas prices to a level that is just plain bad, not really super really bad like it would have been under John McCain and Alaskan Oil Baron Palin?

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